Thursday, November 03, 2005

Big Lizards:Blog:Entry “Weapon of Mass Media Deception”

Mass Obstruction by UN -- Again?Big Lizards:Blog:Entry “Weapon of Mass Media Deception”

Here is a brilliant analysis of why the refrain, "We found no WMD in Iraq" has no merit.

Do we believe the UNSCOM and the UN generally about WMD now that Oil-for-Food demonstrates a culture of corruption at the UN?

Simply put, the UN squarely placed its head in the sand about WMD because Saddam kept the component parts of chemical WMD next to each other, but, having dual uses, could create plausible (?) deniability. I find it less than plausible.

It is a modus operandi throughout Saddam's Iraq. It is circumstantial evidence. It is clear and convincing to me that Saddam hid the WMD in plain sight and called it agricultural pesticides. Have you ever seen pesticides delivered by artillery shell?

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