Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Le : La France se fait bon gr? mal gr? ? la r??lection de George Bush

Le : La France se fait bon gr? mal gr? ? la r??lection de George Bush: "'Bien ?videmment je me r?jouis de ce r?sultat', a rench?ri son coll?gue lib?ral Alain Madelin. 'Face ? l'hyperterrorisme et ? la menace du fascisme islamique, on a besoin de l'engagement de la puissance am?ricaine (...). Je crois que le monde a besoin d'un gendarme et de la peur du gendarme' a-t-il ajout?"

The same article as mentioned in another link. This time it adds the sentiments of a "liberal," which in French parlance, I believe, is a more proper use of the term, i.e., similar to a classic liberal rather than an American Liberal or socialist. Here the Liberal party leaders praises the existence and need of America as the global sheriff. He also praises the need for the sheriff to be feared. Is this the French equivalent of "peace through strength": "peace through intimidation. Even the Frenchmen that we most understand are just a bit off of the American Conversative philosophy.

Sadly the French movement that looks very favorably on Thatcherism and Reaganism -- "Cherished Liberty" -- says almost nothing about the Bush victory on their website.

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