Justice Thomas Hits a Home Run!
In the just-released racial quota in law school admissions case, Justice Thomas sums up the entire problem with the liberal position.
“'[D ]iversity,' for all of its devotees,,is more a fashionable catch-phrase than it is a useful term,especially when something as serious as racial discrimination is at issue.Because the Equal Protection Clause renders the color of one ’ s skin constitutionally irrelevant to the Law School ’s mission,I refer to the Law School ’s interest as an “aesthetic.” That is,the Law School wants to have a certain appearance,from the shape of the desks and tables in its classrooms to the color of the
students sitting at them.
"I also use the term “aesthetic ” because I believe it underlines the ineffectiveness of racially discriminatory admissions in actually helping those who are truly underprivileged.Cf .Orr v.Orr,440 U.S.268,283 (1979)(noting that suspect classifications are especially impermissible when “the choice made by the State appears to redound ...to the benefit of those without need for special solicitude ”)."
Dissenting opinion of Justice Thomas in Grutter v. Bolliner, 539 U.S. __, slip opinion at 6, n. 3 (2003).
He describes the liberal position as being entirely about appearances without regard to impact.
Let's up we can get through the batting line-up quickly. We need another case on this issue soon, so that this slugger can take another shot at the fence. Let's just make sure we have some new justices on the bench that are more likely to get on base than to cry about the pitches being too fast.
If Justice Scalia is to be believed in his dissenting opinion, this case opens up so many new issues for lawsuits that we just need to wait a few short years, then Slugger Thomas will be back at the plate!!!
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