On June 14th Rush Limbaugh did a monologue during Hour 2 on the discrepancy of the media's requirement that Republican presidential candidates have experience and qualifications for office against the media's allowance for Obama's own and his cabinet officers' lack of experience.
Rush repeatedly asked the rhetorical question what was Obama's qualifications? Why the difference?
I believe that I see a simple answer in the media's liberal viewpoint of the world. Democrats are the carriers of the Holy Grail of Socialism. Wherever they bear the Grail, good will follow.
The Republicans only useful purpose is as servants of the Grail. Republicans best serve the Grail of Socialism by running Socialistic programs efficiently. Republicans are only useful as managers. As anyone knows, good managers must be experienced. If the Republican is experienced, he serves the media two ways: first he has demonstrated ability (which fits the media's desire to appear logical) and he has demonstrated his fealty and subservience to the Socialist Grail by refusing to dismantle their utopian vision.
A good manager then is one who is efficient and follows his master's orders without question. The good Republican is a slave to the Socialist Grail.
Since the good Democrat bears the Grail, he can serve the utopian vision by merely advocating for the expansion of Socialism. The programs he supports don't need to be efficient. They don't need to be questioned. They need to be implemented with haste before the Republicans stop the growth of utopia.
From the premise, so much becomes obvious. Democrats are comfortable with Islamic notions of dhimmitude, where good Christians and Jews don't need to share in Mohammed's vision but they must be subservient to it. Democrats are comfortable with Chinese notions that good capitalists can be tolerated as long as the capitalists stay subservient to the Communist Party and the People's Liberation Army.
Conservative Republicans and Tea Parties are despised simply because they don't know their proper place in society. They won't hail the Socialist Grail or its bearers.